tinyML Talks: Low Precision Inference and Training for Deep Neural Networks

In this talk we present Block Minifloat (BM) arithmetic, a parameterised minifloat format which is optimised for low-precision deep learning applications. While standard floating-point representations have two degrees of freedom, the exponent and mantissa, BM exposes an additional exponent bias allowing the range of a block to be controlled. Results for inference, training and transfer learning using 4-8 bit precision which achieve similar accuracy to floating point will be presented.


April 20, 2023



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Timezone: PDT

Low Precision Inference and Training for Deep Neural Networks

Philip LEONG, Professor

University of Sydney

Philip LEONG, Professor

University of Sydney

In this talk we present Block Minifloat (BM) arithmetic, a parameterised minifloat format which is optimised for low-precision deep learning applications. While standard floating-point representations have two degrees of freedom, the exponent and mantissa, BM exposes an additional exponent bias allowing the range of a block to be controlled. Results for inference, training and transfer learning using 4-8 bit precision which achieve similar accuracy to floating point will be presented.

Schedule subject to change without notice.