embedded world Exhibition & Conference – Special Call for Papers for a special tinyML technology session

May 13, 2024

The embedded world Exhibition & Conference is the world’s premier event for the embedded systems industry. It brings together researchers and developers, industry and academia from all disciplines of the embedded systems ecosystem and drives the evolution of complex systems of systems and its manifold innovative aspects.

The embedded world Conference in collaboration with tinyML Foundation is calling for proposals for a special tinyML technology session. Abstracts can be submitted both for embedded world 2025 (Nuremberg, Germany) and embedded world North America 2024 (Austin, Texas, USA).

Tiny machine learning is a fast-growing field of machine learning technologies and applications including hardware, algorithms and software capable of performing ondevice sensor data analytics at extremely low power. The tinyML Foundation sees growing momentum demonstrated by technical progress and ecosystem development.

Abstract description PDF is here.