tinyML Summit 2023 Call for Presentations and Posters

November 28, 2022

Submit your abstract here


The tinyML Summit 2023 will be the premier gathering of key tinyML members from all aspects of the ecosystem. This year, end-users, innovators, and business leaders will be invited to encompass the expanding breadth of industries impacted by the maturing tinyML technology and application space. The tinyML Summit 2023 will provide a unique environment to have focused, high-impact presentations and conversations from both suppliers and users to advance the accessibility and adoption of tinyML solutions. No matter where you are in the Edge Computing AI/ML supply chain, this is the must-attend event for 2023.

The tinyML Summit 2023 Program Committee invites contributions from experts in the industry, academia, start-ups, and government labs. This will be an IN-PERSON event (no streaming or pre-recorded presentations).  Specifically, we call for abstracts for Posters and Presentations in the following areas:

  • tinyML Applications
    • Products and applications of tinyML in a broad range of domains, such as Industrial IOT, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Home, Smart Transportation, Smart Wearables, Consumer Electronics, Medical and Lifestyle Systems, and more.
  • tinyML Development Tools
    • Solutions for training, optimizing, deploying, and updating tinyML for a range of applications and hardware targets. This includes AutoML platforms, compiler, and runtime engines, optimization platforms, and similar developer-oriented tools that simplify and expedite ML development.
  • tinyML Software
    • Systems and SW-based components that enable or improve critical ML capabilities for tinyML hardware. This includes vision and audio algorithms, predictive solutions for time series or continuous data, on-device learning and other algorithms targeting ultra-low power devices. (Unlike development tools, tinyML software is meant to live “on-device” and not on a development PC).
  • Silicon for tinyML
    • Dedicated hardware and chipsets for vision, audio, DSPs, NPUs, and SoCs/systems enabling or improving ML on tiny devices. This includes analog, neuromorphic, spiking, ASIC, and other hardware technologies for tinyML applications.
  • Sensors for tinyML
    • Sensors that extract, detect, and monitor pertinent information from the environment to feed necessary inputs for tinyML products and applications. This includes advancements on typical CMOS for vision and MEMS for audio, as well as novel biosensors, inertial, and integrated embedded ML+sensor technologies.

Submission Instructions & Review

Please use this form to submit your abstract. The Program Committee will review contributions between December 22 and January 15.

Abstract Format

  • The author should clearly state:
  • Problem statement (specific problem that their work focuses on)
  • Relevance to tinyML (as described in Introduction above)
  • Technical approach and its novelty
  • Results and their significance to the tinyML community
  • Call to Action for the tinyML Community

The tinyML Summit 2023 will feature a mixture of high technical quality, invited presentations and a selection of presentations from this call. The abstract should be no longer to a one-page Word and PDF document including the title, authors, affiliations, e-mail address of the contact author, as well as a one or two-paragraph summary of the content and significance of the presentation.  The abstract will be sent back for revision if not all elements are included.

Important Dates

Submission of abstracts             December 22, 2022

Notification of acceptance         January 15, 2023

Date of Symposium                   March 27-29, 2023


Technical Program Committee


Davis Sawyer, Co-founder & Chief Product Officer, Deeplite

Committee Members

Elias Fallon, Vice President for Machine Learning, Qeexo

Adam Fuks, Fellow, MCU/MPU Architecture, NXP

Evgeni Gousev, Senior Director, Qualcomm Research USA

Anders Hardebring, CEO and Co-founder, imagimob

Hajar Mousannif, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco

Mallik P. Moturi, VP Product and Business Development, Syntiant

Gular Dwarakanath Nagendra, System Architect, Texas Instruments

Chris Rowen, VP of AI Engineering, Cisco

Steve Whalley, CEO, Strategic World Ventures

Wei Xiao, Director of Developer Relations, Cross Geos, Nvidia